Wiki source code of Baskets

Version 3.1 by Shop Team on 2019/08/01 12:05

Show last authors
1 (% class="auto-cursor-target" %)
2 = Create a basket =
4 |=(((
5 Method
6 )))|=(((
8 )))|=(((
9 Example
10 )))
11 |(((
13 )))|(((
14 /api/v1/baskets
15 )))|(((
16 [[https:~~/~~/>>url:||shape="rect"]]
17 )))
19 Send a payload as shown below in the request body to create a new basket with any number of basket items in it. A request like this should usually be performed once a new customer interacts with the add-to-basket button for the first time while on your site.
21 {{code language="js" title="Example Payload"}}
22 {
23 "basketItems" :
24 [
25 {
26 "quantity" : 1,
27 "element" :
28 {
29 "id" : "praawgg73zU5gzZN0gaM-812-7",
30 "type" : "sprd:sellable",
31 "properties" :
32 [
33 {
34 "key" : "size",
35 "value" : "3"
36 },
37 {
38 "key" : "appearance",
39 "value" : "2"
40 }
41 ],
42 "shop" :
43 {
44 "id" : "100488332"
45 }
46 }
47 }
48 ]
49 }
50 {{/code}}
52 \\
54 |=(((
55 Field
56 )))|=(((
57 Description
58 )))
59 |(((
60 basketItems
61 )))|(((
62 An array that can contain 0-n entries.
63 )))
64 |(((
65 basketItems/quantity
66 )))|(((
67 The quantity of the specific basket item that the customer selected.
68 )))
69 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
70 (((
71 basketItems/element/id
72 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
73 (((
74 SellableId of the sellable you want to put into the basket.
75 )))
76 |(((
77 basketItems/element/type
78 )))|(((
79 A constant for all Partner Area based shops. Always use "sprd:sellable".
80 )))
81 |(((
82 basketItems/element/properties
83 )))|(((
84 This array of key-value-pairs must always contain values for "size" and "appearance".
85 )))
86 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
87 (((
88 basketItems/element/shop/id
89 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
90 (((
91 The id of your shop.
92 )))
94 A successful request is answered with HTTP status code 201 and a response payload looking like this:
96 {{code language="js" title="Response Payload"}}
97 {
98 "href": "",
99 "id": "5ad33740-30ad-41b0-846f-9e1f0c6824b5"
100 }
101 {{/code}}
103 The value of the "id" field should then be remembered in the customer's session because it allows to read or update the same basket as described next.
105 (% class="auto-cursor-target" %)
106 \\
108 (% class="auto-cursor-target" %)
109 = Read a basket =
111 |=(((
112 Method
113 )))|=(((
114 URL
115 )))|=(((
116 Example
117 )))
118 |(((
119 GET
120 )))|(((
121 /api/v1/baskets/<basketId>
122 )))|(((
123 [[https:~~/~~/>>url:||shape="rect"]]
124 )))
126 (% class="auto-cursor-target" %)
127 Given an id obtained from creating a basket, this resource allows to read the basket data and it contains additional information that can be useful to show to the customer.
129 {{code language="js" title="Example Response Payload"}}
131 {
132 "href" : "",
133 "id" : "5ad33740-30ad-41b0-846f-9e1f0c6824b5",
134 "shop" :
135 {
136 "href" : "",
137 "id" : "100488332"
138 },
139 "currency" :
140 {
141 "href" : "",
142 "id" : "1"
143 },
144 "language" :
145 {
146 "href" : "",
147 "id" : "2"
148 },
149 "country" :
150 {
151 "href" : "",
152 "id" : "1"
153 },
154 "shipping" :
155 {
156 "price" :
157 {
158 "vatExcluded" : 4.16,
159 "vatIncluded" : 4.99,
160 "display" : 4.99,
161 "vat" : 20,
162 "currency" :
163 {
164 "href" : "",
165 "id" : "1"
166 }
167 },
168 "priceItem" :
169 {
170 "vatExcluded" : 4.16,
171 "vatIncluded" : 4.99,
172 "display" : 4.99,
173 "vat" : 20,
174 "currency" :
175 {
176 "href" : "",
177 "id" : "1"
178 }
179 }
180 },
181 "priceItems" :
182 {
183 "vatExcluded" : 14.58,
184 "vatIncluded" : 17.49,
185 "display" : 17.49,
186 "currency" :
187 {
188 "href" : "",
189 "id" : "1"
190 }
191 },
192 "priceTotal" :
193 {
194 "vatExcluded" : 18.74,
195 "vatIncluded" : 22.48,
196 "display" : 22.48,
197 "currency" :
198 {
199 "href" : "",
200 "id" : "1"
201 }
202 },
203 "basketItems" :
204 [
205 {
206 "href" : "",
207 "id" : "672b26f1-e9e5-479b-973a-cfba1d1c8139",
208 "description" : "Men’s Premium T-Shirt",
209 "quantity" : 1,
210 "element" :
211 {
212 "id" : "praawgg73zU5gzZN0gaM-812-7",
213 "type" : "sprd:sellable",
214 "shop" :
215 {
216 "href" : "",
217 "id" : "100488332"
218 },
219 "properties" :
220 [
221 {
222 "key" : "size",
223 "value" : "3"
224 },
225 {
226 "key" : "sizeLabel",
227 "value" : "M"
228 },
229 {
230 "key" : "appearance",
231 "value" : "2"
232 },
233 {
234 "key" : "appearanceLabel",
235 "value" : "black"
236 },
237 {
238 "key" : "sellable",
239 "value" : "praawgg73zU5gzZN0gaM-812-7"
240 },
241 {
242 "key" : "idea",
243 "value" : "5d22f8ebb264a16f6b87fb6f"
244 },
245 {
246 "key" : "product",
247 "value" : "524053687"
248 },
249 {
250 "key" : "productType",
251 "value" : "812"
252 },
253 {
254 "key" : "appearanceLink",
255 "value" : ""
256 }
257 ]
258 },
259 "shop" :
260 {
261 "href" : "",
262 "id" : "100488332"
263 },
264 "priceItem" :
265 {
266 "vatExcluded" : 14.58,
267 "vatIncluded" : 17.49,
268 "display" : 17.49,
269 "vat" : 20,
270 "currency" :
271 {
272 "href" : "",
273 "id" : "1"
274 }
275 },
276 "price" :
277 {
278 "vatExcluded" : 14.58,
279 "vatIncluded" : 17.49,
280 "display" : 17.49,
281 "vat" : 20,
282 "currency" :
283 {
284 "href" : "",
285 "id" : "1"
286 }
287 }
288 }
289 ],
290 "links" :
291 [
292 {
293 "type" : "defaultCheckout",
294 "href" : ""
295 },
296 {
297 "type" : "shopCheckout",
298 "href" : ""
299 },
300 {
301 "type" : "platformCheckout",
302 "href" : ""
303 }
304 ]
305 }
306 {{/code}}
308 The most important fields are summarized as follows:
310 |=(((
311 Field
312 )))|=(((
313 Description
314 )))
315 |(((
316 shipping/priceItem/display
317 )))|(((
318 Assumed shipping price for standard shipping without shipping discounts. (The exact price depends on the customer's location.)
319 )))
320 |(((
321 shipping/price/display
322 )))|(((
323 Assumed shipping price for standard shipping with shipping discounts subtracted. (The exact price depends on the customer's location.)
324 )))
325 |(((
326 priceItems/display
327 )))|(((
328 Total price of all basket items with discounts already subtracted.
329 )))
330 |(((
331 priceTotal/display
332 )))|(((
333 Total price of all basket items (with discounts already subtracted) plus shipping/price/display. This is what you usually want to dispay as **total**.
334 )))
335 |(((
336 basketItems/description
337 )))|(((
338 Human-readable product type description.
339 )))
340 |(((
341 basketItems/quantity
342 )))|(((
343 This is what you sent when creating the basket.
344 )))
345 |(((
346 basketItems/element/id
347 )))|(((
348 This is what you sent when creating the basket.
349 )))
350 |(((
351 basketItems/element/properties
352 )))|(((
353 Aside from the properties that you sent yourself when creating the basket, this also includes the useful human-readable fields "sizeLabel" and "appearanceLabel".
354 )))
355 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
356 (((
357 basketItems/priceItem/display
358 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
359 (((
360 The price for an item with quantity=1 without taking discounts into account.
361 )))
362 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
363 (((
364 basketItems/price/display
365 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
366 (((
367 The price for an item with quantity=1 with discounts subtracted.
368 )))
369 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
370 (((
371 links
372 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
373 (((
374 Use the link with type "shopCheckout" to redirect your customer to Spreadshirt's checkout.
375 )))
377 \\