API REST Resources

Last modified by Shop Team on 2023/02/13 22:55

Available Locales

Several endpoints allow the use of a ?locale=xx_yy query parameter in the request url. The available locales are as follows (note that they are not ISO compliant):

European Platform (EU)

de_DE, fr_FR, en_GB, nl_NL, it_IT, no_NO, se_SE, es_ES, en_EU, en_IE, dk_DK, pl_PL, fi_FI, de_AT, de_CH, fr_CH, it_CH, fr_BE, nl_BE

North American Platform (NA)

us_US, us_CA, fr_CA, us_AU


Some resources act as list for the given entities. One can page through the pages of a list by providing a offset or for some resources a page paramter.

Table of Contents
