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1 | Spreadshirt is your place to create and buy customized apparel, such as T-shirts, cups or stickers. In order to allow developers to make use of this functionality in their own applications, we now provide a new Spreadshirt API. The Spreadshirt API provides access to a set of Spreadshirt's platform functionality, such as product creation, design upload or basket creation, and allows you to start building your own shops, mass-customization applications and integrations on top of our platform. | ||
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3 | To get started in using the Spreadshirt API: | ||
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5 | * [[Browse our API documentation>>API:API]] to become familiar with our API, i.e. REST API urls and representations and status codes. | ||
6 | * Conduct API calls using your [[Web browser>>]] or our [[API browser>>]]. | ||
7 | * [[Register for an API key>>]] with your Spreadshirt user id in case you need access to special features, such as product creation, design upload or basket creation. [[Register for a Spreadshirt shop>>]], in case you don't have one yet. | ||
8 | * [[Checkout the applications section>>API:Applications]] to get sample code, find out what other people did with our API and get some fresh ideas. | ||
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10 | To stay up to date on API changes and development news follow the [[Spreadshirt developer blog>>]]. | ||
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12 | Please note that **Spreadshirt API is alpha right now**. So offered URLs, representations and status codes might change until the official release. |